Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Climate essay

Climate essay

291 Climate Change Research Topics & Examples,500+ Words Essay on Climate Change

WebClimate: 1. Pertains to the atmosphere over a given region, 2. Refers to a large region and for a long period of time. 3. It is more or less stable and differs from region to WebWhen climate change occurs; temperatures can increase a dramatically. When temperature rises, many different changes can occur on Earth. For example, it can WebClimate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar cycle. But since the s, Web+ Words Essay on Climate Change. Climate change is a major global challenge today, and the world is becoming more vulnerable to this change. Climate change refers to the WebThe short essay on climate discusses how much control humans have over the environment. Factors influencing climate change include natural gas usage, use of ... read more

This variation is a factor in the climate in different places around the world, and makes the seasons differ in their temperatures. Temperature affects winds, which bring or drive away moisture usually from the oceans and therefore the amount of precipitation. The variations in sunlight throughout the year make it summer in the northern hemisphere while it is winter in the southern hemisphere. Along with local conditions, sunlight variations contribute to the climate of localities and regions. In , Vladimir Koppen introduced what is now known as the Koppen Climate Classification System. It is widely used for classifying climate globally; most climate classification systems currently in use are based on it.

Moist Tropical Climates are designated with a capital A and have high temperatures almost every day as well as heavy rainfall. Dry Climates are designated with a capital B and are characterized by small amounts of rain and widely varying temperatures between night and day. This type of climate has two subtypes: semiarid steppe and arid desert. The Humid Middle-Latitude Climate-designated with a capital C -is greatly influenced by land and water differences. The summers are warm and dry while the winters are cool and wet. Continental Climates are designated with a capital D and are located in the interior of large landmasses.

Here, seasonal temperatures vary and precipitation is usually low. Finally, Cold Climates-designated with a capital E -are regions covered in permanent ice; these can be the polar regions, but may also be the tops of mountains. The Koppen system also used many sub-categories to classify variations in climate, which are designated with lowercase letters. These climates types are so widespread, they can be referred to as climate zones. Polar climates have long, cold winters with almost no daylight. The summers are short with very long days. They are characterized by permanent snow, ice packs, freezing temperatures, and extreme weather. Sunlight also has to travel through more of the atmosphere to reach the poles, which are at an angle to its rays, reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches the pole.

In addition, the white ice cap reflects much of the sunlight, which adds to the lack of warmth. Temperate maritime climates are humid yearround. The winters are not harshly cold, and the summers are warm to hot and humid. In temperate countries such as France, it is rare for the temperatures to be too hot or too cold. Moreover, the average precipitation usually varies no more than ten percent from year to year. The climate in France is complicated because it is at the junction of several climates. When the wind is from the north, the air is cool or cold and often clear, bringing a hint of polar climate.

When the wind blows from the Atlantic Ocean, it brings moisture and usual rain and wind but mild temperatures. Western France has a temperate maritime climate. In general, the wind in France is westerly from the Atlantic, which gives the country a moderate and moist climate. When the wind in France is from the east, it brings a continental temperate climate. The winters in eastern France are longer and colder with more snow. In the summer, they are cooler with warm and rainy periods of thunderstorms. If the wind in France is from the south, the temperatures are usually hot and dry due to its Mediterranean climate found along its Mediterranean shores. The Mediterranean climate, in which grapes and olives grow well, is found in Australia, California, Chile, and South Africa, as well as around the Mediterranean.

The Mediterranean climate is mild and dry in summer and winter. It is wet in spring and prone to forest or brush fires in the summer. The autumn is moderate but may also be rainy. The Mediterranean climate is wet in the springtime, which causes vegetation to grow rapidly. However, the dry summer heat withers the vegetation and makes it prone to brush fires or to forest fires. South of France and across the Mediterranean is a region of subtropical climate in North Africa. Along the Mediterranean coast, in North Africa, the Mediterranean climate soon gives way to the south to temperature increases in the subtropical climate that is usually dry.

To the south is the great Sahara Desert, which has a desert climate that is scorching hot in the day, but freezing cold at night. In winter, temperatures may be cold enough to freeze water. Cold desert climates such as that of Mongolia are cold in the winter and hot in the summer. Snow and rain occurs occasionally in winter and summer. In contrast, across the Atlantic, the Gulf Coastal Plain of the southern United States has a moist subtropical climate that becomes more and more tropical as the equator is approached. The equatorial regions have in some places little change throughout the year.

For example, the region of the Congo River is near the equator, where the sun shines directly overhead all year. The high moisture content and the constant temperature cause clouds year-round. However, equatorial climates have seasons that alternate between the wet season and dry season. Tropical maritime climates are like equatorial climates because they have summer year-round. However, the rainfall pattern is different, and the trade winds moderate the temperature. Climate varies with a number of factors besides the season or the latitude. One factor affecting climate is the elevation of an area. Mountain climates are not the same as the climate of a plain. In mountain zones, altitude causes a change in temperature.

Climate is vertical: the higher the altitude, the thinner the air becomes. Thin air, especially thin dry air, holds less heat than warm moist air at sea level. So severe is the climate in mountain zones that nothing survives above 23, feet 7, meters. At that altitude and above, winds are usually fierce and temperatures so low that living cells are quickly frozen. Mountain zones occur all over the earth. Submit your Climate Change essay entry. Please submit your essay as a Word document with the above online form. Please note that essays submitted via any other method, including by email, will not be considered. There will be an £ cash prize for the winning entry, and £ prizes for two runners-up.

The winning entry and runners up will also be published on the LSE United States Politics and Policy Blog USAPP. With over 1. The winning student will present their essay to members of the British-American Parliamentary Group and other UK Members of Parliament MPs with an interest in climate change policy. This will be a 15—20 minute in-person presentation summarising the main arguments of their essay in an engaging fashion. The BAPG is the interparliamentary group for Members of both Houses of Parliament of the United Kingdom to promote closer relations and understanding with Members of both Houses of the US Congress and other US political and leading figures. Please note that this is an essential part of the competition; the cash prize will be given following the presentation. If needed, the Phelan US Centre will provide support to the winning student in preparing the presentation.

All submitted Climate Change Competition essay entries must be the original work of a current LSE Masters student, following the same standards of academic integrity as set out by the LSE. The Phelan US Centre Team will run online information sessions via Zoom to answer questions about the essay competition and to provide advice on writing an effective essay on the following dates:. Please read the Climate Change Essay Competition FAQ document before submitting your essay. Submissions should be no more than words. Students are advised to consult articles posted on the USAPP blog for inspiration. The Phelan US Centre Climate Change essay competition is only open to LSE students at Master's level.

Unfortunately, former, or future LSE Master's students are unable to apply. There are a number of factors that propelled the growth of tourism and these factors include the improvement of the standards of living in many developed nations, good work polices allowing more time for vacations […]. Thus, in regard to reduced ranges of temperatures, it is evident that the region experienced some of the harshest conditions in the wake of s as well as the dawn of s. In the field of climate change and human health, skills of project management are necessary during planning, evaluation of options, development of effective policies, and arrangement of program actions and resources to produce fruitful outcomes.

The agreement across the board is that human activities such as emissions of the greenhouse gases have contributed to global warming. All these are illustrations that climate change is real and skeptics of the process have no sound grounds to support their argument. To add to all the problems is the fact that the Earth is seeing a major depletion in the natural resources and fossil fuels which are the established source of energy that must be greatly […]. Proponents of climate change argue scientifically that the cause of global warming is the accumulation of green house gases and water vapor in the atmosphere over a period. Others believe that the reason behind the occurrence of global warming is the negligence of people in the release of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

The purpose of this paper is to apply principles of problem solving skills such as the K-T technique, in analyzing how the challenge of climate change is addressed in the soft drinks industry which in […]. There is sufficient evidence that recent climate change is a result of human activities. In this case, climate change is an economic problem because it has increased the costs of energy and we all know that energy is used for production activities. The existence of various classes of world economies in the rural setting and the rise of the middle class economies has put more pressure on environmental services that are highly demanded and the use of […].

The use of fossil fuel in building cooling and heating, transportation, and in the manufacture of goods leads to an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. Over the years, environmental scientists have been heavily involved in research regarding the changes in climate conditions and effects that these changes have on the environment. These changes are as a result of the changes in the factors which determine the amount of sunlight that gets to the earth surface. However, the increased cases of droughts, storms, and very high rainfalls in different places are indicative of the culmination of the effects of climate change, and major disasters are yet to follow in the future. The ability to unravel the current quagmire surrounding the causes and effects of global warming on food and agricultural production remain the key area towards effective policy design, management application and eventual sustainability assimilation in […].

This report aims at presenting the most significant learning objectives for climate change, how climate change is related to sustainable development, the value of contemporary geography and climate change to student learning, and how contemporary […]. It would take a committed effort from each country in the world to help deal with the global issue of climate change and adequate preparations have to be made. We will write a custom essay specifically for you! Because of high rates of consumption in the state of Indiana, the local natural resources are threatened; in addition, the safety of the environment is in peril due to the increased consumption rates, since the […].

One of the most conspicuous illustrations of the climate change is the amount of snowpack in the world, and in every part of the globe. The current essay is an attempt to outline the problems caused by the negative impacts of climate change in the urban areas. This is exemplified by the seasonal hurricanes in the USA and the surrounding regions, the hurricanes of which have destroyed houses and roads in the past. The thesis of this essay is that human behavior change, including in diet and food production, must be undertaken to minimize climate change, and resulting misery.

The continuous emission of green house gases to the atmosphere through human activities has led to the accumulation of the gases in the atmosphere thereby increasing their concentration over time. It is hereby recommended that governments have a huge role to play in mitigating the negative effects of climate change on coastal towns. It is important to stress that agriculture problems can become real for the USA as well since numerous draughts and natural disasters negatively affect this branch of the US economy. Over the recent past, the issue of climatic change has raised major concern about the well being of the recent as well as the future generation. The rail lines were also destroyed the fact that […]. This means that capitalism, which is the ability to produce wealth lies in the solution and also the causes of the current global climatic governance.

The test to such policies on climate change and global resource competition is the integration of set goals with American economic strategies and traditional energy policies. Because the general definition of climate change involves changes in the statistical components of a climate system without taking into account the causes of such changes, changes in climate over a short period of time […]. By employing such a title, the activist intends to show the ignorance of the seriousness of the ecological problem and reluctance of the government to introduce the corresponding measures to the Canadian economy. The problem is aggravated by the fact that we have to deal with the current effects of the past emissions as we try to reduce the emissions of the present days.

Due to the fact that the main goal of the research is to define the rhetoric devices used to underscore the economic discourse in climate change, such concepts as argumentation, discourse coalition overview, as well […]. The emergence of the Global Drivers of Change is not only a threat the developing world but also to the developed economies. For the last three decades, the indigenous people of the North have observed several changes on the environmental changes and climatic patterns in the region. Climate change is the transformation in the distribution patterns of weather or changes in average weather conditions of a place or the whole world over long periods.

This paper discusses the effects of climatic change on the diverse lives in the Coral Triangle. The region harbors the highest number of turtle and fish species known in the world. The concept remains relevant since it provides fundamental incentives that enable managers to determine the feasibility nature of a project and its viability. Thus, it is clear that the author has based the argument on three important observations — corporate realization that climatic change is real, the economic impact of using corporate resources to manage global warming and […]. The ongoing drought in many parts of the world is attributable to the changes in climate. In fact, the existence of the environmental conservation policies is a hindrance to the development of the financial system.

Today, it is evidently clear that the warming effect of carbon dioxide as originally envisioned by Joseph Fourier is largely to blame for global warming. The capability to manage the impacts of climate change is largely determined by the availability of resources at the national level. When this radiation combines with the short wave rays from the sun, a warming effect is created on the immediate surface of the earth. The latter is a direct impact of climate change that the […]. If the right measures are put in place, our environment will be regenerated and the continued alterations to the climate will eventually stop.

It is surprising that climate change was ranked the last in the list of priorities immediately after President Barrack Obama took over as the president of the United States. This paper explores the impacts of global warming on the environment and also suggests some of the measures that can be taken to mitigate the impact of global warming on the environment. For instance, in the last one century, scientists have directly linked the concentration of these gases in the atmosphere with the increase in temperature of the earth. A highlight of the modules intended for the provision in the courses builds on the relevance and practicality of the proposed MOOCs.

The third assertion is by Farley who alleged that most of the Americans continue to argue that the burning of fossil fuels has recently contributed to global warming; thus, it is possible that climate change […]. While the third world nations strongly hold that climate is changing due to the development activities of the developed nations, the developed nations use scientific theories to point to natural causes of the vice. The researcher stresses that people should try to minimize the negative effects of climate change in order to enable humanity to adapt to the changing environment in a more effective way. A number of the policy-makers have used this allegation to oppose the implementation of strong measures aimed at lessening the amount of gas emitted from the greenhouses.

Porter and Kramer are of the opinion that an organisation has to create a set of effective share values between the society and the firm in order to enhance organisational performance. This paper examines the role of science and technology as it has been used to address the challenge of climate change, which is one of the major issues affecting the global societies today. Transportation processes have led to the prevalence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as the fuels used to power most modern forms of transport are carbon-based. The destruction of the ozone layer has led to the exposure of the earth to harmful radiation from the sun. The rising temperatures in the oceans hinder the upward flow of nutrients from the seabed […].

It is important to note that water is abundant is the country due to its excellent geographical location and features.

This Climate Essay example is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic, please use our writing services. com offers reliable custom essay writing services that can help you to receive high grades and impress your professors with the quality of each essay or research paper you hand in. Cl imate is the average of weather conditions over a period of time, usually over several years. Climate may be local, regional, or global. In contrast, weather is the condition of the air in the atmosphere of a local environment at any moment. The locality may be as small as the place where a person is standing, or it may be as large as a region affected by a giant air mass.

The weather or atmospheric conditions may be hot or cold, dry or humid, rainy or dry, windy or calm, cloudy or clear in combination. Climate is usually defined with two measures of atmospheric conditions: temperature and precipitation. Therefore, the climate of every country, land formation, region, town, continent, or even the whole planet is defined in terms of the amount of its average precipitation and its average temperature. The characteristic atmospheric conditions of locations on the surface of the earth define its climate. A description of the long-term weather of an area at least 30 years defines its climate.

The description should include the general pattern of weather conditions, seasons, weather extremes of storms-tornados, hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, or blizzards-droughts, and rains over the climatic period. Climate is affected by a number of factors. These factors include latitude; proximity to great lakes, seas, or an ocean; prevailing winds; type of vegetation; monsoon winds; mountain ranges; and the size of continents, versus an island or an island archipelago. The climate determines whether an area is a desert, forest, savannah, jungle, or tundra. Some areas have virtually the same climate year-round, such as the high mountains of Mexico and some tropical islands, both of which are near the equator. In other places, the climate varies with the season. Temperature and precipitation varies with the season for most places on earth.

It is, therefore, necessary to specify seasonal climate. For example, the winter climate of Ontario, Canada and its summer climate are different: the winters are much colder than are the summers. More accurate would be averaging the temperatures for each separate season, which would give its winter climate in contrast with its summer climate. The same principle is used to describe the climate of every location on earth. The climate in different locations is directly affected by the sunlight that reaches earth. The equator has about the same amount of sunshine year round, as it is perpendicular to the sun. This variation is a factor in the climate in different places around the world, and makes the seasons differ in their temperatures.

Temperature affects winds, which bring or drive away moisture usually from the oceans and therefore the amount of precipitation. The variations in sunlight throughout the year make it summer in the northern hemisphere while it is winter in the southern hemisphere. Along with local conditions, sunlight variations contribute to the climate of localities and regions. In , Vladimir Koppen introduced what is now known as the Koppen Climate Classification System. It is widely used for classifying climate globally; most climate classification systems currently in use are based on it. Moist Tropical Climates are designated with a capital A and have high temperatures almost every day as well as heavy rainfall. Dry Climates are designated with a capital B and are characterized by small amounts of rain and widely varying temperatures between night and day.

This type of climate has two subtypes: semiarid steppe and arid desert. The Humid Middle-Latitude Climate-designated with a capital C -is greatly influenced by land and water differences. The summers are warm and dry while the winters are cool and wet. Continental Climates are designated with a capital D and are located in the interior of large landmasses. Here, seasonal temperatures vary and precipitation is usually low. Finally, Cold Climates-designated with a capital E -are regions covered in permanent ice; these can be the polar regions, but may also be the tops of mountains. The Koppen system also used many sub-categories to classify variations in climate, which are designated with lowercase letters. These climates types are so widespread, they can be referred to as climate zones.

Polar climates have long, cold winters with almost no daylight. The summers are short with very long days. They are characterized by permanent snow, ice packs, freezing temperatures, and extreme weather. Sunlight also has to travel through more of the atmosphere to reach the poles, which are at an angle to its rays, reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches the pole. In addition, the white ice cap reflects much of the sunlight, which adds to the lack of warmth. Temperate maritime climates are humid yearround. The winters are not harshly cold, and the summers are warm to hot and humid. In temperate countries such as France, it is rare for the temperatures to be too hot or too cold.

Moreover, the average precipitation usually varies no more than ten percent from year to year. The climate in France is complicated because it is at the junction of several climates. When the wind is from the north, the air is cool or cold and often clear, bringing a hint of polar climate. When the wind blows from the Atlantic Ocean, it brings moisture and usual rain and wind but mild temperatures. Western France has a temperate maritime climate. In general, the wind in France is westerly from the Atlantic, which gives the country a moderate and moist climate. When the wind in France is from the east, it brings a continental temperate climate. The winters in eastern France are longer and colder with more snow.

In the summer, they are cooler with warm and rainy periods of thunderstorms. If the wind in France is from the south, the temperatures are usually hot and dry due to its Mediterranean climate found along its Mediterranean shores. The Mediterranean climate, in which grapes and olives grow well, is found in Australia, California, Chile, and South Africa, as well as around the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean climate is mild and dry in summer and winter. It is wet in spring and prone to forest or brush fires in the summer. The autumn is moderate but may also be rainy. The Mediterranean climate is wet in the springtime, which causes vegetation to grow rapidly.

However, the dry summer heat withers the vegetation and makes it prone to brush fires or to forest fires. South of France and across the Mediterranean is a region of subtropical climate in North Africa. Along the Mediterranean coast, in North Africa, the Mediterranean climate soon gives way to the south to temperature increases in the subtropical climate that is usually dry. To the south is the great Sahara Desert, which has a desert climate that is scorching hot in the day, but freezing cold at night. In winter, temperatures may be cold enough to freeze water. Cold desert climates such as that of Mongolia are cold in the winter and hot in the summer.

Snow and rain occurs occasionally in winter and summer. In contrast, across the Atlantic, the Gulf Coastal Plain of the southern United States has a moist subtropical climate that becomes more and more tropical as the equator is approached. The equatorial regions have in some places little change throughout the year. For example, the region of the Congo River is near the equator, where the sun shines directly overhead all year. The high moisture content and the constant temperature cause clouds year-round. However, equatorial climates have seasons that alternate between the wet season and dry season. Tropical maritime climates are like equatorial climates because they have summer year-round.

However, the rainfall pattern is different, and the trade winds moderate the temperature. Climate varies with a number of factors besides the season or the latitude. One factor affecting climate is the elevation of an area. Mountain climates are not the same as the climate of a plain. In mountain zones, altitude causes a change in temperature. Climate is vertical: the higher the altitude, the thinner the air becomes. Thin air, especially thin dry air, holds less heat than warm moist air at sea level. So severe is the climate in mountain zones that nothing survives above 23, feet 7, meters. At that altitude and above, winds are usually fierce and temperatures so low that living cells are quickly frozen. Mountain zones occur all over the earth. There are mountains in the tropics-like Mount Kilimanjaro-which are near the equator, but are snow-covered on their summits all year long.

The flora of mountain climates is different from those found at lower altitudes. Alpine plants have short stems that keep them hugging the ground out of the wind. Their leaves are small and waxy to prevent water loss, and they grow slowly because they grow only on warm days. The climate of a valley below may also vary with their direction, in terms of the way in which sunlight is available or is blocked by a mountain. For example, one side of the valley may be shaded much more than the opposite side, giving the two sides of the same valley different climates. Valley climates can also be affected by winds from the ocean or by katabatic down-slope winds. The cooler, heavier air on top of a mountain can plunge rapidly down its slopes, bringing cold dry air to the valley below and forming frost hollows.

The cold dry air of the katabatic wind can rob the plants in its path of moisture and stunt their growth. On the other hand, katabatic winds can cause fog by sending cooler air to the valley below, where the warm moist air is chilled to the dew point. In Greenland and on the Antarctic ice caps, katabatic winds have been clocked at miles kilometers per hour. In temperate zones, katabatic winds can be an aid to agriculture.

Climate Change Essay,How to Overcome Climate Change?

WebClimate is usually defined with two measures of atmospheric conditions: temperature and precipitation. Therefore, the climate of every country, land formation, region, town, WebJan 20,  · Climate Change Needs Human Behavior Change. The thesis of this essay is that human behavior change, including in diet and food production, must be undertaken Web5 Causes of Climate Change Essay. In your 'causes of climate change essay,' you can discuss that the concept is the long-term variation in temperature and weather patterns. WebWhen climate change occurs; temperatures can increase a dramatically. When temperature rises, many different changes can occur on Earth. For example, it can WebClimate change is an important issue for the world and for the United States (US). Given its size and global economic power, the US has the potential to be a world-leader in tackling Web+ Words Essay on Climate Change. Climate change is a major global challenge today, and the world is becoming more vulnerable to this change. Climate change refers to the ... read more

Read More. One of the key ways to combat climate change is to switch from a carbon-based energy system to a renewable one. The work will concentrate on certain aspects such as the background of the problem, the current state of the problem, the existing literature on the problem, what has already been attempted to solve the problem, […]. parent ;f. height }G o,f. stopImmediatePropagation ,!

The Harper government has done little to ensure implementation of the agreements to reduce emissions. These issues may be written about or expanded upon to produce a more interesting essay. In other places, the climate varies with the season, climate essay. To examine the contribution of technology to climate change; To present a comprehensive review of technologically-mediated methods for responding to global flooding caused by anthropogenic climate change; To suggest the most effective and socially just […]. It has initiated several climate-friendly measures, particularly in the area of climate essay energy. Climate essay, people start to recognize the pernicious effect their actions might have on the state of our planet and want to know more about the processes that occur due to these very actions.

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