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Polio essay

Polio essay

Polio Essay,The History of Poliomyelitis Essay

WebPolio is an infectious disease caused by a special types of viruses. The United States Of America is still at risk of introducing polio. A polio like illness has recently been WebAbout 16, cases of polio (paralytic poliomyelitis) occurred each year in the U.S. in the 20th century compared with none in The first polio vaccine arrives at Mayo Clinic on April 13, , one day after it’s WebPolio Essay Poliomyelitis Essay. Poliomyelitis Envision a life consumed by grayness and misfortune, slowly weakening the body from Jonas Salk Licensed The First Polio WebFree Polio Essays and Papers Polio Essay. INTRODUCTION Poliomyelitis also called polio is a sever virus infectious disease it is a major cause of polio. Early historians WebEffects of Polio on Society Words • Pages • 2 Paper Type: word essay Examples Cause And Effect essays Polio had existed in society for a long time in history, although ... read more

Some people show no symptoms at all. Polio was considered a disease of developed countries for much of the s. However, in the s and s, prevalence of polio in schoolchildren. Emergence and Eradication of Polio Viren Patel Valparaiso University I have neither given or received, nor have I tolerated others ' use of unauthorized aid. Viren Patel Introduction The poliomyelitis word is derived from the Greek. It is the effect of poliomyelitis virus on the spinal cord which leads to paralysis. This virus enters from the person mouth and multiplication occurs in the. Polio is an infectious disease caused by a special types of viruses. The United States Of America is still at risk of introducing polio.

A polio like illness has recently been discovered in California in children that produces paralysis like in some polio patients. The last case of polio in The United States Of America was in Polio is still a very high problem in Africa and Asia. Polio has also been traced back almost 6, years ago. Polio is caused by small viruses, RNA viruses to be exact. Polio was once considered a middle class, because good hygiene could delay exposure of a person to the virus until late childhood, the adolescent years or adulthood, when infection would produce most severe symptoms. Infections in early childhood generally results in asymptomatic or very mild disease. In the great polio endemic in New York City, 9, cases of paralysis were reported and nearly all in children. Poliomyelitis polio is a disease that attacks the nervous tissue in the spinal cord and the brain stem resulting in paralysis Document One.

Polio is caused by the poliovirus, but it is unknown how this virus is acquired. The virus enters the digestive tract and stays in the intestines for up to eight weeks, and then attacks the lymphatic system, the blood stream and eventually travels to the brain and spine Document Four. I am reporting about a new disease called polio that is spreading rapidly. According to other states New York is the first state with a large epidemic of polio. In New York there were over 9, cases of people with polio. People are terrified of this disease and this disease. Polio was deemed one of the most dreaded diseases in the twentieth century. This crippling diseases was mainly impacting children between the ages of six months to five years.

Some theorist believe that it was more common for a infant that was passed the age of six months to develop poliomyelitis because Poliomyelitis is a contagious viral disease that is transmitted via person to person contact the mouth and than multiplies in the gastrointestinal tract. Some of the symptoms were either non. preventive healthcare advancements behind them, the American medical community turned its attention to the deadly polio virus plaguing America. From to , known cases of Americans contracting polio skyrocketed from ten thousand to a staggering figure of roughly fifty-seven thousand cases. Of those cases within that time period, approximately one thousand five hundred deaths as a result of polio were recorded.

In the year , The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis provided the scientist. Polio Virus Introduction The polio virus which causes poliomyelitis in humans is an enterovirus which belongs to the picornavirus small, RNA family. Polio virus is rapid, acid-resistant, stable, highly tissue specific and consists of a single-stranded, positive RNA. Polio virus is able to reside in the throat or intestinal tract of humans. Poliomyelitis is a highly contagious infectious disease which has three strains, poliovirus 1 PV1 , PV2 and PV3. Polio virus, although rare in developed.

The eradication of polio was very close in the year , however incidence levels has caused a seventy percent increase in new cases [1]. Polio is virus infection that occurs in the throat and intestines through environmental contaminations such as water by stool and feces [7]. do not have any polio indicators can still spread the poliovirus. People who become infected with the poliovirus can start having symptoms as soon as four days after being infected, and not have any symptoms for as many as thirty five days. It is an infectious, potentially fatal disease for which there is no known existing cure. This paper discusses the causes, transmission, symptoms and prevention of polio.

Further, it addresses the challenges involved in eradicating Polio and suggests efforts to wipe out this disease. My parents watch as I slowed down and my hand stopped working. But my hand is a constant remember, but I refuse to let it stop me. Which more than likely refers to the spinal cord, along with the suffix —itis or inflammation. It is a dreaded disease especially in children, it results in infantile paralysis. Polio has no cure causing great concern due to significant morbidity and mortality. Despite global efforts to eradicate Polio, it is still endemic in parts of the world.

This paper discusses the global problems posed by the disease, eradication strategies employed globally and regionally and the challenges in the way of achieving. The Polio Vaccine in America When my daughter was a baby, and we decided to delay vaccination, a friend of my mother-in-law seemed thrilled with our decision. However, she advised to look into the polio vaccine because there wasn 't much they could do if someone did contract polio. During my research, I have found that the polio vaccine is all but completely unnecessary for anyone in the United States. Let 's take a look at some of the most interesting information I have found. Taken directly. Essay Topics Writing. Home Page Research Essay on Polio.

Essay on Polio. Sort By: Most Relevant Highest Grade. An Egyptian stele portrays a priest with a withered leg, suggesting that polio has existed for thousands of years. In Germany, Dr Jacob von Heine conducts the first systemcatic investigation of polio and develops the theory that the disease may be contagious. The first significant outbreak of infantile paralysis subsequently identified as polio is documented in the United States of America. Austrian physicians Karl Landsteiner and Erwin Popper hypothesize that polio may be caused by a virus. A polio epidemic in New York, USA, heightens concern on both sides of the Atlantic and accelerates research into how the disease is spread.

Sir Macfarlane Burnet and Dame Jeam MacNamara identify several types of polio virus, known as types 1, 2, and 3. The United States of America establishes the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, which later becomes the March of Dimes — a fund raising organization focusing on polio research. Thomas Weller and Frederick Robbins successfully grow live polio virus in live cells. Six years later they receive the Nobel Prize for their work. Dr Jonas Salk develops the first vaccine against polio —an injectable, inactivated killed polio vaccine IPV.

Lameness surveys demonstrate that polio is widespread in many developing countries, leading to the introduction of routine immunization with OPV in almost all national immunization programmes. Polio paralyses more than children worldwide everyday. The Global Polio Laboratory Network is formally established to detect the presence of wild and vaccine-derived polio viruses in countries. The last case of wild polio occurs in the WHO region of the Americas. He is a three year old boy called Luis Fermin Tenorio living in Junin, Northern Peru. The WHO region of the Americas is certified polio-free. In China, 80 million children are vaccinated. More than 56 million children are vaccinated in 19 countries of the WHO European and Eastern Mediterranean Regions.

In India, 87 million children are vaccinated. Nelson Mandela officially launches the Kick Polio Out ofAfrica Campaign and million African children vaccinated during National Immunization Days. The last case of wild polio occurs in the WHO Western Pacific Region. She is a 15 month old girl called Mum Chanty living near Phnom Penh, Cambodia. In Turkey on 26 November , Melik Minas, a 33 month old unvaccinated child is the last child paralysed by indigenous wild poliovirus in the European region. The UN Secretary General agrees to negotiate truces for immunization in the Democratic Republic of Congo. National Immunization Days are conducted in war torn Liberia.

The WHO Western Pacific Region is certified polio free. The WHO European region is certified polio-free. In Northern Nigeria, polio immunization campaigns are suspended following unfounded rumours regarding the safety of the polio vaccine. Subsequently a new outbreak occurs. In Africa, synchronized National Immunization Days in 23countries target 80 million children —the largest coordinated polio immunization effort on the continent. New monovalent oral polio vaccines mOPV become available to enhance the impact of supplementary immunization activities. Four endemic countries remain: Afghanistan, India, Nigeria and Pakistan.

Outbreaks in Yemen and Indonesia—which suffer the largest, single-country outbreaks in recent years —are successfully stopped. More than million children are immunized in 27 countries. On International Peace Day, 80 previously inaccessible children are reached with polio vaccine in southern Afghanistan. A new outbreak of polio spreads from Nigeria to West Africa. Large outbreaks with more than cases wild poliovirus occur in both Tajikistan and Congo. Transmission is stopped by the end of the year in both countries.

If you were a child at some point in the past 70 years, odds are you played the board game Candy Land. According to the toy historian Tim Walsh, a staggering 94 percent of mothers are aware of Candy Land, and more than 60 percent of households with a 5-year-old child own a set. The game continues to sell about 1 million copies every year. You know how it goes: Players race down a sinuous but linear track, its spaces tinted one of six colors or marked by a special candy symbol. They move their token to the next space that matches the drawn color or teleport to the space matching the symbol. The first to reach the end of the track is the winner.

Nothing the participants say or do influences the outcome; the winner is decided the second the deck is shuffled, and all that remains is to see it revealed, one draw at a time. It is a game absent strategy, requiring little thought. Consequently, many parents hate Candy Land as much as their young kids enjoy it. Yet for all its simplicity and limitations, children still love Candy Land, and adults still buy it. What makes it so appealing? The outbreak had forced children into extremely restrictive environments. Patients were confined by equipment, and parents kept healthy children inside for fear they might catch the disease. That aspect of the game still resonates with children today.

Poliomyelitis—better known as polio—was once a feared disease. It struck suddenly, paralyzing its victims, most of whom were children. This leads to muscle weakness, decay, or outright fatality in extreme cases. The leg muscles are the most common sites of polio damage, along with the muscles of the head, neck, and diaphragm. In the last case, a patient would require the aid of an iron lung, a massive, coffinlike enclosure that forces the afflicted body to breathe. For children, whose still-developing bodies are more vulnerable to polio infection, the muscle wastage from polio can result in disfigurement if left untreated.

Treatment typically involves physical therapy to stimulate muscle development, followed by braces to ensure that the affected parts of the body retain their shape. Vaccines appeared in the s, and the disease was essentially eradicated by the end of the millennium. But in the mid-century, polio was a medical bogeyman, ushering in a climate of hysteria. Oshinsky writes. There was nothing a parent could do to protect the family. The evidence of infection was uniquely visible and visceral compared with that of infectious diseases of the past, too. Children of the era faced an unenviable lot, whether infected with polio or not. Gerald Shepherd provides a glimpse of the paranoiac atmosphere of the polio scare and its effects on children in a firsthand account of his San Diego childhood in the late s, at the height of the epidemic.

Quarantine and seclusion were the most common preventative measures:. Kids his age were well aware of what polio could do. According to Walsh, the toy historian, the two met when Abbott brought Milton Bradley a Candy Land prototype sketched on butcher paper. Details about her life outside this interaction are scant. Among the few facts researchers have unearthed about her: A phone book containing her number exists in the collections of the San Diego Historical Society the only trace of her in its archives. And in , when she was in her late 30s, she herself contracted the disease.

Abbott recuperated in the polio ward of a San Diego hospital, spending her convalescence primarily among children. Imagine what it must have been like to share an entire hospital ward with children struggling against polio, day after day, as an adult. Kids are poorly equipped to cope with boredom and separation from their loved ones under normal circumstances. But it would be even more unbearable for a child confined to a bed or an iron lung. That was the context in which Abbott made her recovery. Read: What America looked like: Polio children paralyzed in iron lungs. Seeing children suffer around her, Abbott set out to concoct some escapist entertainment for her young wardmates, a game that left behind the strictures of the hospital ward for an adventure that spoke to their wants: the desire to move freely in the pursuit of delights, an easy privilege polio had stolen from them.

The board game gathers all your children in one place, occupying their time and attention. But the themes of Candy Land tell a different story. In , when he was almost 70 years old, the polio survivor Marshall Barr recalled how only brief escapes from the iron lung were possible. As the historian Daniel J. Wilson explains , the wards provided little to occupy their young occupants. Read: The invasion of German board games. It was a tall order. Images of polio wards depict a geometry even more rigid and sterile than that of typical hospital settings: row upon row of treatment beds and iron lungs. Candy Land offered a soothing contrast. Even tracing it with your eyes is stimulating—an especially welcome feature if illness has rendered them the most mobile part of your body.

In theme and execution, the game functions as a mobility fantasy. It simulates a leisurely stroll instead of the studied rigor of therapeutic exercise. Every card drawn either compels you forward or whisks you some distance across the board. Each turn promises either the pleasure of unencumbered travel or the thrill of unexpected flight. The game counters the culture of restriction imposed by both the polio scare and the disease itself. Read: How board games conquered cafes. The original board even depicts the tentative steps of a boy in a leg brace. The game also recognizes that mobility entails autonomy.

The game may even mark the first time a player feels like a protagonist. This is not to rehash the usual litany of early-childhood skills some Candy Land proponents tout. Yes, the game strengthens pattern recognition. Sure, it can teach children to read and follow instructions. In theory, it shows children how to play together—how to win humbly or lose graciously. But any game can teach these skills. Now that polio is a distant fear and mobility a power taken for granted, most games of Candy Land disappoint. The rules today are the same as they were in , but something about the proceedings simply does not add up. The deck chooses for them.

An ordained victory is an empty one, without the satisfaction of triumph through skills or smarts. When children want a more challenging experience, they leave Candy Land behind. And that, in the end, is what makes Candy Land priceless: It is designed to be outgrown. Today that lesson persists more broadly. The game teaches children that all arrangements have their alternatives. As it has done for generations, Candy Land continues to send young children on the first steps of that journey. Skip to content Site Navigation The Atlantic. Popular Latest Newsletters. Sections Politics Ideas Fiction Technology Science Photo Business Culture Planet Global Books Podcasts Health Education Projects Features Family Events Shadowland Progress Newsletters.

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Essay on Polio,Polio As A Deadly Disease

WebAbout 16, cases of polio (paralytic poliomyelitis) occurred each year in the U.S. in the 20th century compared with none in The first polio vaccine arrives at Mayo Clinic on April 13, , one day after it’s WebPolio Essay Poliomyelitis Essay. Poliomyelitis Envision a life consumed by grayness and misfortune, slowly weakening the body from Jonas Salk Licensed The First Polio WebFree Polio Essays and Papers Polio Essay. INTRODUCTION Poliomyelitis also called polio is a sever virus infectious disease it is a major cause of polio. Early historians WebEffects of Polio on Society Words • Pages • 2 Paper Type: word essay Examples Cause And Effect essays Polio had existed in society for a long time in history, although WebPolio is an infectious disease caused by a special types of viruses. The United States Of America is still at risk of introducing polio. A polio like illness has recently been ... read more

Poliomyelitis is a highly contagious infectious disease which has three strains, poliovirus 1 PV1 , PV2 and PV3. The disease was spread by contaminated water and contact with fecal contamination. Analyzes how jonas salk and albert sabin differed. In Northern Nigeria, polio immunization campaigns are suspended following unfounded rumours regarding the safety of the polio vaccine. A vaccine against this virus was developed by Jonas Salk in the s, and polio infections have dropped tremendously, with the Americas being declared polio-free. Tetanus is a serious bacterial disease that affects your nervous system, leading to painful muscle contractions, particularly of your jaw and neck muscles. Related CDC Links Global Immunization Polio Vaccination in the U.

The polio virus works by replicating the motor neurons in the CNS and then destroying the original motor neuron cells. The first clinical description of this disease was provided by a British physician named Michael Underwood, in which he described the disease as debility of the lower extremities. Informative Essay On Polio. Fear of Polio. When the virus enters the central nervous system it destroys and infects motor neurons which will cause weakness of muscle, abnormal growth of limbs, muscle paralysis acute flaccid paralysis. Polio in rare cases does spread polio essay the brain stem causing paralysis to the diaphragm and loss of breathing, polio essay. She polio essay the focus of the book in the south, a place where the disease struck almost last yet it claimed many lives.

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