Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Pro choice abortion essay

Pro choice abortion essay

Argumentative Essays on Pro Choice (abortion),The Morality of Abortions Essay

WebExample of Abstract to Abortion Essay. The debate upon abortions touches upon political, moral, ethical, philosophical and even religious views with rights of the mother and that of WebEssay on Pro-Choice Abortion Pro Choice Of Abortion. Marissa was a pro-life activist, meaning she opposed abortions. She, along with all the other Abortion: Pro Choice WebPro-choice is the view that a woman should be able to choose for her own body and her own personal views. A woman should be able to choose herself if to get an abortion, WebPro-choice is a movement that is targeted but not limited to a woman’s right to have an abortion when she finds it necessary. This particular topic is a very pressing one, with WebThe pro-choice standpoint is of the opinion that woman should have total control over the choice to have an abortion or not. The reason is not far-fetched: the woman knows ... read more

The first recorded abortion was 4, years ago; herbalists would use concoctions containing pennyroyal to terminate the pregnancy. Now with the knowledge of it being such an aged medical procedure, it comes to question, why are abortions so controversial? A wide variety of factors come to play when asking what truly makes a human. Unwanted pregnancies is the most mainstream reasoning for a woman to decide on having an abortion and the factors that make the pregnancy unwanted can range from the way they became with child to their age to socioeconomic reasons, the list goes on.

Regardless, every reason is undoubtedly based on the individual, and every reason should undoubtedly be taken into consideration. There is a multitude of countries that have legalized abortions in the event of rape a shocking amount from third-world countries , that being because the law recognises that survivors of sexual assault do not have to go forth with a pregnancy that was almost entirely out of their control. The most recent dispute involving this particular subject has to do with Ecuador: one of very few countries in Latin America that have yet to decriminalize abortion as a result of rape.

Most teenage pregnancies are unintentional, with the innocent child left to be raised by immature and unprepared parents. Children of teenaged parents are more likely to have severely low birth weight, grow up in low-income households, score lower academically and, unfortunately, become teen parents themselves, repeating the vicious cycle. Granted, growing up in a low-income household is not only reserved to the children of young parents. Grown adults who have already had children may find themselves in a dilemma as to whether they can afford another child; and if they make the conscious decision to terminate their pregnancy, the law has no place in the decision of adults who want what is best for the children they already have.

Children of low-income families have worse health, cognitive abilities and social skills than those slightly richer families. It is unfortunate that developed countries such as Andorra, San Marino and even Malta are three of the twenty-six countries that do not permit abortion at any cost. There are a wide variety of possible complications that could occur during a pregnancy, resulting in the harming or possible death of the mother, fetus, or both. In such cases there is no true solution, and countries that do not permit abortions under any condition would not be sparing a life, but rather killing two. It was only until September of that India overruled the law that stated adultery was a criminal offense. Other countries still fall behind on this, with Saudi Arabia being known worldwide for stoning women to death to this day, take the case of the unnamed Sri Lankan maid whom was accused of adultery.

Granted, not all punishments are as gruesome as stoning for pregnant unmarried women in less developed countries, simply shunning the woman and denying her of respect are tactics taken upon by other societies. Thirty-one weeks into her pregnancy, Erika Christensen found out that her baby was nonviable would not survive outside of the womb , and was furious to find the law of the region she lived in did not allow abortions in the state that she was in. Erika then flew to Colorado to go forth with what she knew was the right decision. Giving women the opportunity to decide what they want for their own bodies is a vital point for gender equality and allowing women to achieve their full potential.

Furthermore, the egg does not become fertilized until the third week and does not have a heartbeat until four to sometimes seven weeks. This indicates that the basic traits of existing do not show instantly, and the values that truly do make one human do not appear until after the child is born. Consciousness plays a key role here; language, intelligence, foresight, mind-reading culture, and morality are all factors that contribute to making a human, human- all of which are not present in a fertilized egg. There is an unspoken of assumption that telling women they cannot have abortion will make them not have abortions. The recorded 1. Wade the law that granted women the access to safe, legal abortions are proof enough.

The infamous case of Elizabeth Zack Staley depicts the desperation women had to get abortions, the lengths they would go to, and the people harmed in doing so. Keeping abortions legal is not giving women a choice; it is protecting women from the choices that will result in irreversible harm. An age-old argument used by pro-lifers states that a woman would eventually regret the choice she made. A study done in the years combats that statement head-on; taking women whom have had abortions ad asked them whether or not they regretted it- an astounding amount said they did not regret the decision. The reasoning behind their lack of regret was their understanding of the reality that a having child at the given stage they were at within their lives was just not plausible and an abortion was the mature and overall healthier thing to do.

Adoptions are lengthy and often complicated; they also may come with emotional baggage for the birthmother, adoptive parent s , and the adoptee. Abuse of trust, insecurity, changes of mind, pressure and instability are just a few problems faced by all three parties that greatly affect their well-being and mental health. To conclude, the stigmas based on abortion can be easily shut down if the one aborting is aware of their decision. Approaching abortion as a case mortality vs life is a black and white picture of what in reality involves much more colour. She wants an abortion as an animal caught in a trap wants to gnaw off its own leg.

References Klabusich, Katie. Teklehaimanot, K I, and C Hord Smith. National Library of Medicine, , www. Morgenthau, J E. This is taking the life of a human. They say that abortion is in defiance of ideas that are commonly accepted relating to the profanity of human life. There are other groups that believe that no society that is civilized should allow one person to harm the life of another person. Anyone who harms another person should be punished. They argue that this should also apply to abortion because it involves harming the life of a fetus. This group also argues there are other better alternatives compared to abortion. One of these alternatives is adoption. This the most viable option when compared to abortion, and it leads to the production of the same results.

Many families in the U. that are after adopting a child. This is around 1. There is no term such as the unwanted child. The families want the children. Therefore, the women should give birth to the children and give them up for adoption. Abortion is also not the best option to for by the pregnant women because it can lead to some complications. The complications may occur during the process of later on in life. Some of the risks associated with abortion are doubling of ectopic pregnancy, high chances of miscarriage, and the high cases of the pelvic inflammatory disease.

This the most viable option when compared to abortion and it leads to the production of the same results. that are after adopting a child, this is around 1. Some of the risks associated with abortion are doubling of ectopic pregnancy, high chances of miscarriage, and the high cases of the inflammatory pelvic ailments. Nonetheless, abortion is morally suspect and demeaning to the sanctity of human life. The risk involved among others includes; medical complications such as hemorrhaging, infection from used of unsafe tools to terminate the pregnancy, cases of incomplete abortion, sepsis, anesthesia, damaged cervix, endometritis, damage internal organs and in some cases eventual death.

Emotional complications associated with abortion include among others Eating disorders, relationship problems, culpability, sexual dysfunction, depression, evocations of the abortion including grave thoughts of suicide, alcohol, and drug abuse. Conclusion: Abortion is involves ending the pregnancy through forcing or removal of embryo or fetus out of the womb of a pregnant woman before it reaches the time for the fetus to survive on its self. Abortion can occur spontaneously without anyone doing anything. Such type of abortion is normally called a miscarriage. The process can also be caused to occur due to various purposes. This type of process is induced abortion. Unwanted pregnancy should ensure they prevent the process by having protected sex, using pills, or inserting ultra-uterine devices.

Abortion should be legalized, and every woman should have the right of carrying it out. However, there should be proper training for women in place to reduce the rising cases related to the process, the government should also offer counseling services for distraught persons as a result of abortion, pro-choice groups should also take an active part in advising the young girls on implications associated with abortion. Why not get a unique paper done for you? Use code: CUSTOM They say that pregnant women will resort to unsafe illegal abortions if there is no legal option. From Roe v. Wade in through , over 60 million legal abortions are estimated to have been performed in the United States — an average of about 1.

About one in four US women will have an abortion before age Although the Catholic and Lutheran churches oppose abortion, more of their members believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases versus illegal in all or most cases. A woman's risk of dying from having an abortion is 0. We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Argumentative Essays on Pro Choice abortion. Essay examples. In writing a pro choice argumentative essay, it is essential to cover both sides of the issue. When you are asked to write an essay on this subject, take your time at some of the examples because it will help you to understand the legal side of things and the problem of a medical accessibility.

Discuss the historical aspects that must be mentioned starting from the legal acts that have been accepted in Talk about how the society is always divided by this issue and discuss the gender aspect of things. Of course, one should talk about the medical risk. Brainstorming abortion title ideas, consider adding important structure parts. Talk about the problem and the statistical data in your introduction part as you have to inspire your audience and provide them with an explanation that will help them to see the problem and your point of view. The body paragraphs should talk about the facts and the pros and cons of your opinion.

Before you start with the conclusion part, do not forget to include controvesial information to show more than one opinion. It will help to make your writing confident. The final part may sum things up or make a call to action. Read more. apply filters cancel. Most essays are graded by GradeFixer's experts. Sentence Structure. Evidence and Details. Throughout most of the 21st century, there have always been some new type of controversy at least once every month. One of the major controversies that have yet to be satisfied is tied to the age-old conflict regarding abortion. When evaluating the sensitive topic of Pro Choice Abortion. Abortion, Abortion debate, Childbirth, Fetal rights, Fetus, Human rights, Murder, Pregnancy, Pro Choice Abortion , Pro-choice.

For the purpose of this essay, I am going to discuss Abortion and how it is a big controversy in society today. I could never have an Pro Choice Abortion Abortion. Abortion in the United States, History of abortion, Paternal rights and abortion, Women's rights, Women's suffrage. Introduction According to natural law theorists such as John Finnis, morality and legality are not only closely intertwined but interdependent. Legal positivists such as Jeremy Bentham would categorically disagree, arguing that morality only has a coincidental impact on the legality of legislation. This in mind, Abortion Pro Choice Abortion Pro Life Abortion. Abortion, Abortion debate, Embryo, Fertility, Fetus, Human rights, Life, Meaning of life, Morality, Pregnancy.

The debate on whether or not abortion should be allowed has been very popular for many years. Abortifacient, Abortion, Abortion debate, Birth control, Childbirth, Embryo, Fertility, Fetus, Human rights, Medical abortion. The issue of abortion is one of the most controversial issues discussed in our nation today. In , roughly 1.

The debate upon abortions touches upon political, moral, ethical, philosophical and even religious views with rights of the mother and that of the fetus being of the main concern. Further, the provision of abortion services is one of the most elusive and controversial medical care services in many countries around the world, which affects the lives of millions of women. This issue involves intertwinement of the political, social, economic, ethical and even legal fabric of the country. The emergence of different groups that support or are against abortion complicates the issue because most of the arguments are biased or irrational and, therefore, fail to capture the real issue of life and death that both fetus and mother face.

Double-spaced papers include words per page; Single-spaced papers include words per page. The right of a pregnant mother to end the life of the fetus by the method commonly referred to as abortion has elicited moral and ethical concerns from both political and religious sides. As a result, abortion is among the most debated and controversial social issues that humanity has ever faced. Different factions have emerged either to support abortion legality of the action or to support the right of the fetus to be born illegality of abortion. Among the issues that dominate the debate is the right of the mother and the fetus in terms of whether a fetus can be said to be a human being and at what point, given the fact that even the legal status of children in many jurisdictions does not recognize them as physical persons until they reach majority.

Political and religious views of what constitutes life varies. Therefore, the views should not be referred to in determining whether abortion should be illegal. According to Kaufmann , abortion should be left to socialists and humanists, who have no bias or interest in influencing the course to which the society would want to follow in pursuing cases of abortion. Many pro-lifers also have not been able to differentiate political and religious arguments in the issue of abortions. As such, it is thought that a decision on abortion guided by the religious views ought to necessitate the decisions taken in the political circles and vice versa Halfmann, This is done in total disregard of the fact that many states are delineated from religious practices and act as secular entities, whose decisions are independent of the spiritual convictions of the citizens.

This triggers the issue of abortion to remain the main topic of debates in the United States when compared to other developed countries where abortion does not provoke such discussions. The US is largely a devout country and, thus, many people, especially the pro-lifers, have not differentiated the religious doctrines from the state statutes regarding abortion and law. As such, there is much connection between politics and religious beliefs with major political leaders proposing to enact laws to the effect of controlling abortions while being driven by their spiritual convictions. Suh, Abortions can be legalized for ethical reasons. First, induced abortion is ethically right in the circumstances, when the mother is not prepared to have the child.

However, some abortion activities like the induced continue to elicit debates in terms of their ethical, moral and legal rights. Many women who, at some point, are faced with a life-threatening case that requires abortion feel that the debate on abortion is invasive because it touches on a person's system of values. In far as pro-lifers are concerned, this group initiates questions as to sincerity and ingenuity of protecting life at the cost of securing the life of a pregnant woman. One of these reasons might be that the woman is not prepared to raise the child after birth.

In other words, the pregnancy is unwanted and, therefore, bringing up the unborn child will not only be a burden to the mother but also unethical, given the fact that parents have an obligation to take care of their children. If it is known in advance that the woman is unable to take responsibility for the child after the baby is born; hence, the best way is to terminate the pregnancy to avoid bringing another life into the world only to suffer Wright, The issues that they raise undermine the inalienable rights of the mother.

As pointed out by Marquis , as much as the fetus becomes a human at one point in their developmental stages in the womb, they are unable to make decisions for themselves and, therefore, it is a woman who is capable of taking decisions of ending the pregnancy by means of abortion. Thus, Marquis argues that in case a fetus is not able to have a claim to life as a human being so does a newborn baby, hence, the life of a newborn baby is of little value. Marquis, Absurdness of this claim does not require denial since the intrinsic value of human life or any other form of life comes from the fact that life is sacred and God-given, a position that many pro-choicers refuse to accept. Based on this argument, aborting unborn babies is justified as the circumstances may demand irrespective of the presumed rights that such a fetus may have.

Consequently, it is necessary to define the exact time when a fetus acquires a right equal to the right to life of all human beings. As the life of the fetus is tied to that of the mother, it is futile to separate a fetus from the mother with regards to life. Controversies over abortion make the principles of life to be the issue in question. Considering the implications of a pregnancy to a woman, even though a fetus may be presumed to have some rights to life, such rights depend on the ability of the woman to carry a child. It, therefore, means that, from all perspectives, the right of the mother overtakes that of the fetus, hence, forms a legal and ethical basis upon which a woman can be allowed to terminate the pregnancy. Wright, The proponents of abortion also argue that abortion should be legalized based on the understanding that legalizing the practice empowers women by giving them a choice of reproduction Costa, According to the pro-choice, women should be allowed the chance to make their informed choices on when and whether they want to have children.

Therefore, in this regard, women should be seen as an informed part of the human population that is capable of making moral choices. If they are subjected to restrictions on matters affecting their life, such as abortion, it will be futile to demonstrate an interest in any liberational struggles aimed at setting women free from male chauvinism. Now I know that your writers are indeed experts because they know how to carry out research just like my teachers expect me to do. I am thankful to your writers and online agents who always reply to my concerns. I used a couple of other services, who only spoiled my grades.

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One of my friends told me to use your services and I could not believe my eyes. Your writers managed to improve my academic records very fast! Thank you. I am so lucky! Your essays improved my reputation. It is also essential for women to be given time to determine their life choices and feel a sense of equal citizenship with men. The argument on the legalization of abortions is grounded on the thought that abortion does not cause pain to the fetus. According to neuroscientists, most abortions are done before the fetuses can feel any pain. It is considered that a fetus can only feel pain if the abortion is performed after the formation of the cortex.

To support the idea, the neuroscientists suggest that it takes 26 weeks for the cortex to develop. Therefore, they are of the opinion that most abortions do not result in any pain for the fetus as they are done before the 26th week of pregnancy. Incomplete biological development in the fetus at the time when most abortions are performed makes the fetus to be incapable of experiencing pain. It is only possible for the fetus to experience pain when subjected to the environment after birth. Although some reactions can occur in the fetus during an abortion, the reactions are said to be simple reflexes that should not be taken to show that the fetus feels pain.

According to Ferriter , the legalization of abortions is also supported on the ground that it gives pregnant women the option of not carrying children with severe abnormalities. The proponents of abortion argue that some abnormalities are severe to the point that the death of the fetus is inevitable after the baby is born. One of the abnormalities that are pointed out to have such adverse effects on the fetus after birth is anencephaly, a deviation when the fetus develops without a brain. Hence, it is wrong to force pregnant women to carry children with severe deformities to the point of giving birth while affecting their own life.

Besides, some families may have no ability to care for children with severe disabilities. Due to this reasoning, abortion should be made legal to couples that do not have sufficient emotional strength, financial competence and family support Boonin, Religious groups, like the United Methodist Church and the Presbyterian Church, support abortions, reasoning that the Bible does not oppose abortion unless it is subjected to personal interpretations. They state that the Bible does not regard abortion to be equivalent to the actual killing of a human being. To support this opinion, reference is made to the book of Exodus that considers a crime that results in a miscarriage as a property crime while the same scripture considers killing the same woman to be a case of murder.

The opponents to abortion argue that life begins at the moment of conception; hence, making an abortion is viewed as an immoral termination of the life of innocent human beings. Those pro-life are opposed to the idea that the fetus does not feel any pain at the time of abortion but is rather subjected to severe suffering. The opponents of abortion also argue that abortion is a form of murder. In their argument, the pro-life state that killing an innocent human being cannot be justified even if it is done before the moment of physical birth.

They state that the life of a fetus has to be protected as the life of any human being. According to the opponents of abortion, life begins at the moment of conception Weatherford, Based on this opinion, the pro-life suggests that all unborn babies are human beings; hence, they have the right to life.

Abortion: A Pro-Choice View Argumentative Essay Examples,References

WebAbortion: Pro-Choice. Abortion is one of the most divisive topics in society and has been for many years. There are many parts to pro-choice whether people realize it or not. WebExample of Abstract to Abortion Essay. The debate upon abortions touches upon political, moral, ethical, philosophical and even religious views with rights of the mother and that of WebIn this part we are going to concern our attention on pro-choice abortion and according to Colker, we see that “Pro-choice abortion is the belief that women have the right to WebThe pro-choice standpoint is of the opinion that woman should have total control over the choice to have an abortion or not. The reason is not far-fetched: the woman knows WebPro-choice is the view that a woman should be able to choose for her own body and her own personal views. A woman should be able to choose herself if to get an abortion, WebAbortion Rights “Being pro-choice is trusting the individual to make the right decision for herself and her family, and not entrusting that decision to anyone wearing the authority of ... read more

Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, This is just a sample. Simply put, abortion is the termination of pregnancy, either voluntarily or involuntarily. February Suddendorf, T. Types of Argumentative Essays.

Plagiarism checker Do the check, pro choice abortion essay. Simply put, abortion is the termination of pregnancy, either voluntarily or involuntarily. Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. The laws that were passed state that the process of abortion must be done in a specialist licensed clinic or a hospital. The Supreme Court ruled that abortion be legal and available to all women.

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