Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Essay Example,What Is an IB TOK Essay?
Web28 December As part of theory of knowledge (TOK), each student chooses one essay title from six issued by International Baccalaureate® (IB). The titles change in each WebTOK Essay A “The process of gaining knowledge is more valuable than reaching an end result.” Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge TOK Essay A “Given WebThe new TOK curriculum, TOK has the externally assessed task, the TOK essay worth 67%, and the internally assessed new task, the TOK exhibition worth 33% of the Web⏩ We can write a ToK essay for you ⏪. To be able to score well, you need to plan accordingly. The idea is to make sure to do a great job and that can only happen when WebTOK Essay Sample Writing Guide Make sure you understand the structure of your TOK essay. If you don’t, ask questions. Choose a Way of Knowing and two Areas of ... read more
It is believed and often criticized that most authors and publishers designed the story to be told and hide something of no interest. The element of trust is furthermore unconvincing when knowledge claims about greek and roman military history are studied. While languages are rule-governed and intended , the rational explanations and reporting of events by Greeks largely remain unreliable, biased, incomplete, or even false. For instance, Anuja Chandramowuli, in her book on Tuglaq, depicts Tughlaq as a cruel ruler who violates religious policies and a war aspirant. Her book misses the collective approach that a historian adopts to help people accept claims in history and eventually trust them. While trust in history has been a matter of concern due to memory and language, it is pragmatic to explore the extent to which trust in knowledge claims in human science can be established through emotions and reasoning.
Trust is essential to survive. Human beings are naturally predisposed to trust. The tendency to trust made sense in our evolutionary history. Emotions are well-known governing tools to make judgments. They resemble judgments as most judgments involve trust influenced by feelings. The harsh judgment of bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki was considered a necessary act for the greater good but also unfortunate [12]. Most humans demonstrate social emotions through which the element of trust is formed. However, other sources claim that his decision to stop any further bombing after the Hiroshima-Nagasaki incident hints the same. Emotions like regret, social pressure, and disgust sometimes assist us to reflect and trust our own decisions who we sometimes claim to be correct.
Probably, a poll may have been conducted to imply personal thoughts versus shared opinions to gather a wider insight about reactions. Considering, Japanese aggression during WWII, the decision of bombing seemed trustworthy because it was unlikely for them to surrender. It arguably discouraged the descent into nuclear war for the rest of the 20th Century. Japanese philosopher Masahiro Morioka made connections between the utilitarian argument and bombings. Trusting your own decision in such critical conditions may not be accurate. The implicit theories in psychology have often provided evidence about how we quickly trust our implicit personality. Though, our likely tendency to recall information and subsequent trustworthiness places us in a vulnerable situation.
Not only this, we rely on third-party verification to trust the character of another person. Such transitive trust, according to Bernie Madoff, cultivates a false sense of security and jeopardizes social trust in general. Trusting a knowledge claim requires paying more attention and over-weighing evidence. Undoubtedly, trust is an essential ingredient in accepting widely profound claims. Accepting disseminating knowledge must have the fundamental importance of a claim; however, philosophical disagreements may often constrain our horizon of comprehension. Such disagreements present a range of theoretical arguments, competence, evidence gathered, and, above all, expectations and beliefs in denying a claim.
If one cannot trust the source, then everything built on it is untrue. Trusting memory to accept knowledge claims in history has been questioned due to its subjective nature and the weak deductive approach. Incidentally, individual memory is very often rejected and considered trustworthy rarely while collective memory is considered credible. Whereas, in Human Sciences, it is witnessed that trust shifts and changes due to the changes in social emotion and time. On certain ethical grounds, accepting knowledge claims, especially in psychology, remains trustworthy. However, implicit theory reveals that we often accept and trust situations through confirmation bias leading to poor judgments. Trust in human science is more widely proclaimed through emotions than anything else.
It is the WOKs that have the power to generate varying degrees of trust in different AOKs. Knowledge is interwired and its connections act as subdomains to serve the purpose, within the domain and outside its academic boundary. Knowledge is conspicuous in different areas of knowledge. This problematic commodity brings along a lot of perspectives, meanings, values, and limitations. Therefore, establishing certainty to reach the best of the utility, we often aggregate concepts in different contexts to reach understanding. Having knowledge of different areas certainly does aid the process and its usefulness. A strong grasp of concepts of chemistry is required to treat an ailing condition in the human body.
While the study of Psychology can have an added value in not just dealing with the body but a healthy mind too. It is often required to trespass into different AOKs in order to understand the scheme of things better as a combination. Therefore for a medical practitioner knowledge of human and natural science can provide a shallow insight. When areas of knowledge are used in combination with one another, it assists in connecting the dots to arrive at an accurate picture, not always but sometimes. What we know about the past could be the myths and facts, therefore art is capable of acknowledging both to some extent. History has always been focused on featuring human conditions and the only way to believe and experience those conditions is to rely on limited sources as evidence.
Some might argue that memory helps in reconstructing our knowledge of the past, while others agree that art assists history through creative imagination. No other discipline is more inherently interdisciplinary than art and history. In various ways, the different facets of art speak about history. Art makes a significant impact on future generations to get an idea of what life was. Art has profoundly demonstrated progress and change in societal values, the standard of living and therefore without these, history would just have been simple tales written as texts passed down through generations. Art is a thoughtful product that generates not only emotive aestheticism but also solves the purpose of academic excellence.
Its cognitive element is usually considered significant in recreating the evidence about the events of the past. The innovative use of flat, Picasso-styled figures is effective in portraying some kind of fighting or terror evoking emotions of fear and empathy too. Picasso was Spanish and undoubtedly his emotions on canvas would be national biased. Guernica is a distorted perception that uses emotional coloring to spread awareness about some aspect of reality. At first glance, Guernica reveals confusing and chaotic thoughts for its viewers as it provides overlapping and intersecting boundaries that shift perspectives.
Critics claim that it fails to convey the important story despite its visual appeal. The late art critic, John Berger argues that Guernica makes no reference to the Spanish civil war. In fact, under certain experiments, Guernica was displayed to actual survivors of the bombing and they were utterly confused. Lastly Tom Wolfle the novelist claims that Guernica looks like a horse choking on a banana [26]. Museums play a fundamental role in opening the doors to the realms of art and history. Notably, artists are compared to historiographers due to their extensive knowledge of the subject. The interests of the students and the underlying emotions help perception to propel, especially through the point of view of history and arts combined.
As time passes, the quantum of artifacts continues to increase however adding little usefulness due to the subjective approach. sample essay TOK and 2 more Tagged with: sample essay TOK ibo Official. OFFICAL SAMPLE PUBLISHED BY IBO. ToK Practise Exhibition: In What ways do our values affect the production of knowledge? Feedback is in italics at the end of the third object. tok essay tok essay. Sample TOK Exhibition written Commentary This commentary received the top grades. External Assesment This was my Tok External Assessment draft. I received a 6 on the score. External Assesment This was my external assessment practice for TOK. I received a 6 on it by my teacher. TOK ib and 1 more Tagged with: TOK ib example.
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As a student studying for your International Baccalaureate IB diploma, you will have to write a Theory of Knowledge TOK essay. This is part of your program, and they are different from the regular essays. This fact alone causes some students to panic as they worry, they may not get a good score. This article will show you some good IB TOK essay examples and guide you on how to write yours. As already explained, this is a mandatory part of an International Baccalaureate IB program. This TOK essay is usually accompanied by a presentation after the essay has been submitted.
Personal knowledge is used subjectively as it may not apply or be accepted by everyone as we tend to have our own personal knowledge. Shared knowledge is that knowledge or information which is agreed upon collectively and that they contain more facts that universally apply to a lot of people. On shared knowledge people agree on the facts they contain and that they may be of great and varied use in a society. From these distinctions, it is therefore right to classify science or math as shared knowledge due to their applicability and universal acceptability van, This leaves art to be regarded as personal knowledge as any idea on the art can be personally drawn.
Knowledge that is widely known to the public is the shared knowledge but new and personal concepts are regarded as personal knowledge. The knowledge that an individual owns can be influenced by shared knowledge depending on different factors. The individually owned knowledge can be shaped by how the public argues on certain issues, by the mode of discussion and need to understand that information in the given way of thought. The other aspect that can sway one to change or shape his or her personal knowledge is determined by the purpose the information serves our lives. Shared knowledge seems to be more justified than personal knowledge. This is linked to the possibility that shared knowledge is believed to be a true belief by many people in a society Van, The transformation of personal knowledge into ways in line with shared knowledge is associated with the learning process that one undergoes while sharing knowledge.
This is subject to the importance of the patient accepting the knowledge. There are some kinds and forms of knowledge that are very purposeful to our lives regardless of the personal information we hold about the same area of knowledge. The meaning of this knowledge is implied in the usefulness to our lives. The lessons we learn from listening to a nurse and sharing the knowledge on the same is important in doing healthy things in life. There is great importance in believing in public knowledge for all those who believe in shared or public knowledge have had benefits from the same. The perception held on given information is often comparable in relation to the benchmarking platforms. Personal knowledge is a perception held by an individual on his or her own personal experience.
On the other point of view shared knowledge is believed by many people and that the perception they hold is often much more than in personal knowledge van, When people engaged in sharing of knowledge, there is a superior thought or belief that one might be more experienced than the other. In such a case the less experienced individual is likely to believe the shared knowledge. This may also happen in the situation where one is sharing knowledge with a group of people. More people engaged in a discussion or sharing of knowledge are likely to convince individuals to change their perceptions. This is due to the magnitude of the experiences of the people and the usefulness of the information to the entire community, if not for the individual. This is an attempt to make someone believe in the shared knowledge.
Personal knowledge is embedded on personal belief on given information, ideas and experiences. The involvement into sharing of knowledge through dialogue, discussion or public speaking, alters the perceptions of the individuals and probable change in the personal knowledge he or she holds on the subject of the talk. In sharing knowledge, one identifies opportunities that lie beyond the current knowledge that he or she possesses as personal information on the tropic talked about. The presentation of opportunities to be a better a person in life while arguing in the same line makes them change their personal knowledge into the course of thought that shared information directs.
Like in the situation where a nurse gives direction to a patient on psychiatric diagnosis, the patient gets to believe the nurse due to the vast experience and professionalism in the scientific field of medicine, and will consequently get convinced that the idea is the right one. In situations of art, which is a different area of knowledge in the course, the change in the perception or thought of others will change due to the presented emotions of the artist. The transferability of knowledge on art is dependent on the scope of the knowledge contained. The scope of the knowledge in the artistic viewpoint relates to the level of emotional expression that the artist may present to its audience and followers.
Arts generally, express the extents to which one is experienced in the issues relating to human life are relating to culture of the people at times Harorimana, This implies that arts area viewed as means of shaping belief on given ideologies. When an artist is performing in a podium, the artist will not use other means of expressing knowledge such as reasoning and perception. In several instances the artists will express the emotions while performing in order to change the perceptions of the audience. Some of the poor performing artists often use this trick and ability in tuning the moods of the audience into the show.
Arts are at times referred to be having inner logic to the human life and therefore an emotional performance would improve the understanding relating to the given art. Arts have the potential to prove to the people the artistic-cognitive function that may be extrapolated from the cultural outlines. It presents great knowledge on the cultures of the people in their societies. The expression of the identification of the culture in the people gives audience a perception of the art being educative in nature. The close examination of the art presents the people with the knowledge and the need to incorporate this knowledge into their daily activities Duijn, For instance, the performance of a musician on stage inspires people to dance when the mood of the singer is jovial and warm enough to accommodate the expression of happiness.
In another instance the performance of an actor at the stage while expressing feelings of despondency and sorrow will let the audience in a mood to learn as they learn on different causes of sorrow in the communities in the world. Recently there was a show on the BBC TV station involving the performance of Martin Lawrence on the discrimination on orphans and the need to accept them as part of our societies. He performed while presenting the ideological state at which the orphan children should be handled in the societies. The expression of pain and sorrow which the community goes in times when such children are not accepted within the social settings is more detrimental than the cost of mainstreaming them into our societies.
He therefore used the emotional expression to indicate the sorrows of the children, the love they should be given and the consequences to derail our social lives. The art was hereby presented as means to transform our social lives Harorimana, Shared information affects the perceptions of individuals through reasoning, change in perceptions, and increment in the level of understanding, learning and identification of opportunities in the shared knowledge. In arts, emotion is used at the personal level to change the perceptions and ideology of the public about their performances.
Baker, A. Conversational learning: An experiential approach to knowledge creation. Westport, Conn. Corrigan, D. The Professional Knowledge Base of Science Teaching. Duijn, M. Delft: Eburon. Harorimana, D. Cultural implications of knowledge sharing, management and transfer: Identifying competitive advantage. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. Van, L. Theory of knowledge for the IB Diploma. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Skip to content Blog About Contact. What Is an IB TOK Essay? Sharing of Knowledge between Art and Science The transformation of personal knowledge into ways in line with shared knowledge is associated with the learning process that one undergoes while sharing knowledge. Conclusion Shared information affects the perceptions of individuals through reasoning, change in perceptions, and increment in the level of understanding, learning and identification of opportunities in the shared knowledge.
References Baker, A.
May 2023 TOK Essay Prompts + SAMPLES & Suggestions,About Theory of Knowledge
WebSample essays - TOK essay Download File Essay P - Level 5: Excellent (9) This is a mature, discerning treatment of the title. The candidate focuses on WebTheory of Knowledge (TOK), Essay Example Pages: 6 Words: Essay This Essay was written by one of our professional writers. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a WebJul 31, · This is a sample TOK essay that we did in class on the statement “creativity requires the courage to let go of certainty”. I received 9/10 Submitted July 24, Web28 December As part of theory of knowledge (TOK), each student chooses one essay title from six issued by International Baccalaureate® (IB). The titles change in each Web⏩ We can write a ToK essay for you ⏪. To be able to score well, you need to plan accordingly. The idea is to make sure to do a great job and that can only happen when WebThe new TOK curriculum, TOK has the externally assessed task, the TOK essay worth 67%, and the internally assessed new task, the TOK exhibition worth 33% of the ... read more
As time passes, the quantum of artifacts continues to increase however adding little usefulness due to the subjective approach. These examples need to be documented researched examples like studies, experiments, articles, presentations by well-known people, etc. Learn how to write an impeccable TOK essay by understanding the fundamental concepts of the subject. The close examination of the art presents the people with the knowledge and the need to incorporate this knowledge into their daily activities Duijn, Skip to content Blog About Contact.
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